Tcl8.6.15/Tk8.6.15 Documentation > Tk C API, version 8.6.15 > MapWindow

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Tk_MapWindow, Tk_UnmapWindow — map or unmap a window


#include <tk.h>


Tk_Window tkwin (in)
Token for window.


These procedures may be used to map and unmap windows managed by Tk. Tk_MapWindow maps the window given by tkwin, and also creates an X window corresponding to tkwin if it does not already exist. See the Tk_CreateWindow manual entry for information on deferred window creation. Tk_UnmapWindow unmaps tkwin's window from the screen.

If tkwin is a child window (i.e. Tk_CreateWindow was used to create a child window), then event handlers interested in map and unmap events are invoked immediately. If tkwin is not an internal window, then the event handlers will be invoked later, after X has seen the request and returned an event for it.

These procedures should be used in place of the X procedures XMapWindow and XUnmapWindow, since they update Tk's local data structure for tkwin. Applications using Tk should not invoke XMapWindow and XUnmapWindow directly.


map, unmap, window
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